firefox button minnesota button gif button of india flag indian i love mp3 minnesotan november always coca-cola feminism amd gpu linux powered by my brains spongebob 80x15 button addict punk inside no smoking a dog inside vs code student rouge coder crytidcore horror corvidcore vultureculture pc gamer skyrim rock emo lawful good
two brown dogs standing next to each other, looking to the distance

about me a black old fashioned telephone ringing

TLDR; dove - she/her - highschool - loves dogs

hello, my name is dove. i'm in highschool and taking courses revolving around computer science and software development. i'd love to live comfortably as a software engineer one day and have a quiet & mundane life.

my first language is english, but i also know hindi and spanish (albeit not a lot but ehhh).

when i'm not studying or sleeping, i'm procrastinating working on my site. sometimes i'll play a game or two like stardew valley or a virtual pet site but other than that i don't do much!

i love questionnaires, i think they are a really cool way to get to know someone. here's my i stole off of tumblr ↓

  1. Favorite color?
  2. red, back, grey, edge-lord colours

  3. Favorite book(s)?
  4. Monday's not Coming, Sky in the Deep, & a lot more i don't want to list out...

  5. Favorite movie(s) and/or shows?
  6. TAWOG, Spongebob, World's Most Wanted, Seaspiricy

  7. How tall are you?
  8. 5'2

  9. Do you speak any other languages?
  10. hindi

  11. Favorite songs/artists?
  12. Mitski, DethTech

  13. What movie did you over-watch as a kid?
  14. Rapunzel, Up, Cars, WALL-E

  15. Iced or hot drinks?
  16. hot. i like being warm

  17. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  18. Are you a good driver?
  19. when the road is mostly empty, yes. otherwise i am a nervous wreck.

  20. Sum up your personality in three words.
  21. melancholic, content, quiet

  22. Future career/career plans?
  23. software engineer, data analyst, web developer

  24. What's one weird thing about you?
  25. my eyes can go in a different direction

  26. What did you want to be when you were younger?
  27. an astronomer or a teacher

  28. What’s one of your fondest memories?
  29. going to the park with my dad when i was younger and playing on the swings

  30. Introvert or extrovert?
  31. introvert

  32. Favorite animals?
  33. all of them EXCEPT wasps.

  34. Favorite shoes?
  35. my pair of combat boot i got from target 3 years ago

  36. If time travel existed, where would you go? Past or future?
  37. the past. i want to know what life was like.

  38. Your favorite genre of music atm?
  39. metal/rock

  40. Is there a genre of music you don't like?
  41. most mainstream pop-music

  42. An author you won't read?
  43. h**ver

  44. Do you have any tattoos or want any?
  45. i don't have any but i want to get a spine tattoo one day

  46. What is your favorite quote?
  47. “Death twitches my ear; 'Live,' he says... 'I'm coming.” ― Virgil